Well, I have decided NOT to volunteer to work in the Museum. I am not as sharp as I used to be, and I am afraid that I might make some embarassing mistakes. I think I will leave that job for the young kids who are in their 60s and 70s., and I will just enjoy being in my 80s. Is that a selfish or wicked idea? It kind of feels that way, but it is so nice to just sit down and read a book and not have to worry about having to go somewhere and be useful!
When my kids were still living at home, and I was working in the Library, I remember how good it felt to come home on a Monday afternoon and think, "Oh good! It's Monday, and I don't have to go anywhere tonight." Our Family Home Evenings weren't perfect, by any means, but time has dimmed the sharp edges now, and I remember them fondly. (Even when I remember that sometimes one of the boys would be sitting, reluctantly, on the stairs, instead of on the couch, and not taking a turn reading a few scriptures. Ah yes, the teenage years!) Oh well, the refreshments were always good! I feel better when I remember hearing President Hinckley's daughter saying that their FHEs were not perfect either when they were growing up. Take heart, but keep trying.