Sunday, October 19, 2008

My First Post

Well, Keith has 'held my hand' to get this set up. We are getting ready to go to dinner at Jason & Joni's house. We will be celebrating Kailee's 13th birthday. Should be fun.

Keith has been here this weekend while Steve & Kris attended her aunt's funeral in Southern California. We have been doing online genealogy almost all day with both of our computers. I'm not as sharp as I used to be. 'Getting old' is a good excuse though, isn't it?


Callison Clan said...

Yeah, now I can add you to my blog stalking list. Hopefully this will give me motivation to get ours up to date.
Love you,

Victoria said...

You are so cool:) I am pretty sure nobody else has a grandma with a blogspot!!! I love it.

The Workman Family said...

Idaho kind of puts us out of the loop. I am glad you have a blog. By the way, one on the way, Who is pregnant?

Lois Thomas said...

Olivia - I thought you knew that Kim was expecting. So far, all is going well, and it looks as though the little girl will be just fine.

Keith Thomas said...

You are an EXPERT blogger now!!!


Rachel said...

Hi Grandma!

Welcome to the Blogosphere! I look forward to keeping closer tabs on you. (We are all flies on the wall with blogs - don't you just love it?)

Love, rachel

Kailee's Korner said...

Yes now we can all be bloggers together. This is so exciting!!!!
Love ya tons

Mark Thomas said...

I think I have created a blogspot. It is If Mom can do it, I will try. GROOVVVVVY!! MOM.