Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday, I attended my second DUP (Daughters of the Utah Pioneers) meeting. I have been thinking about joining for years, but I kept thinking I could wait until I retired and my life was a little less hectic. After Bev and Rene told me how much they were enjoying DUP in Ephraim, I decided that this was the time. I’m hoping to make some friends there who are close to my own age. So – at the first meeting in September, I saw a lot of older ladies; I recognized several members of my ward, so I felt a little more secure. When they passed out a paper with the officers’ names on it, I noticed that they didn’t have a chorister. I volunteered to fill that position. (My Jazzy can raise me high enough for those in the back to see me.) I’m not so sure that I did the right thing, though. I think they usually just sing without a director, but of course I didn’t know that at the time. So yesterday, I met the accompanist for the first time (she missed the 1st meeting), and I struggled a little. For instance, they like to sing a lot of verses, but they sing 2 verses and then the Chorus, and then 2 more verses and the repeat of the chorus. Well, I can adapt to that. The practice song (one I had never before seen – nor had the accompanist!) was something else. I tried to teach them the first verse. Why, I will never know, because they probably will never sing it again! (FYI: in DUP, the music is chosen for you. And it didn’t coordinate with the lesson about the old Salt Lake Theatre. I’m not sure whether the music is chosen locally or is decided in Salt Lake. But that is OK, now I have a list of all the songs to be sung throughout the year, and I can prepare myself.)

After the meeting, Steve took me to the DUP museum, where I intended to purchase a songbook. But no one was there, even though we were within the posted hours. I think they staff the museum with only volunteer help. Steve suggested that I might like to do that. The Museum is open from 1-4pm, and I could maybe go twice a week. I have been thinking about it all day and wondering if that is something that I could do. I have mixed feelings about taking on an away-from-home job. I am just getting really comfortable with living sitting down, and do I want to take on something like that? Steve thought I could use my laptop down there – for sources of information, etc., and I could take one of my “grabbers” to reach high or low objects. But gosh, life is so nice when I don’t have to leave the house more than Church on Sunday and my hair appointment on Wed. What do you think? If I were 10 years younger, I would jump at the chance, but now? I haven’t called anyone about volunteering for the museum yet – I am still mulling it over. Your ideas are welcome. I will let you know when I decide, OK?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Offer to volunteer for a week or or a month to try it out. If you feel comfortable, stick with it. If not, it was a good experience.

I tend to have "home gravity" too, so I empathize.